For example, let's say that one area of memory is currently in swap space while another one is in memory. 例如,假设一个内存区当前在交换空间中,而另一个在内存中。
Swap files used in this way are never generally a long-term solution to the problem for swap space. 以这种方式使用的交换文件通常决不是针对交换空间问题的长期解决方案。
All UNIX systems have multiple types of swap space. 所有UNIX系统都有多种类型的交换空间。
One disk for the operation system and the swap space. 一个磁盘用于操作系统和交换空间。
With current memory prices, swap space represents a very slow secondary memory. 考虑到目前内存的价格,交换空间是一种非常缓慢的辅助存储器。
Some keep a copy of the data in all applications& both memory and swap space. 有些变体保留所有应用程序中的数据副本&同时包括内存和交换空间中的应用程序。
Many use a combination of these different arrangements to make the best of their swap space. 许多变体使用这些不同安排的组合来充分利用它们的交换空间。
Most people set and forget their swap space settings but, in this article, you've examined several ways to add and adjust your swap space. 大多数人设置并遗忘他们的交换空间设置,不过在本文中,您研究了几种添加和调整交换空间的方法。
The simplest is ensuring that you have enough RAM to hold your application without needing to use swap space. 最简单的调优措施是确保RAM足以容纳应用程序,而不需要使用交换空间。
Some only use swap space when the physical memory has already been used. 有些变体仅在已经使用完物理内存时才使用交换空间。
Low free list values might indicate that you have a lot of active RAM in use, which might trigger swap space use if you add more processes to the system. 较低的空闲列表值可能表示使用了大量的活动RAM,如果您向该系统中添加更多的进程,那么可能引起交换空间的使用。
If the numbers are low but your system is slow, it might point to a swap space issue. 如果这些数值较低,但系统却运行迟缓,那么可能表示存在交换空间的问题。
On a desktop system, allocate at least as much swap space as physical RAM. 在桌面系统上,至少分配与物理RAM一样多的交换空间。
A once common rule of thumb was to create swap space equivalent to the amount of real RAM. 一种常见的经验法则是创建与实际RAM大小相同的交换空间。
Once you have a figure in mind, you need to configure the swap space. 一旦头脑中有了大体数字,您就需要配置交换空间。
If the configured swap space is less than the physical RAM, such dumps are not possible. 如果所配置的交换空间小于物理RAM,此类转储就无法实现。
There are two aspects to monitoring swap space and how it is used: current usage and active usage. 交换空间及其使用情况的监视包括两个方面:当前使用情况和活动使用情况。
Different UNIX variants use their swap space in different ways. 不同的UNIX变体以不同的方式使用它们的交换空间。
The information provided is like a combination of the uptime, swap space, and ps tools. 它所提供的相关信息更像是uptime、交换空间和ps工具的组合。
To use a file for swap space, first create a suitable file. 若要将文件用于交换空间,请首先创建一个适当的文件。
Your next consideration is likely to be the amount of required swap space. 要考虑的下一个问题应该是所需交换空间的大小。
Note that swap space added in this way will not be retained during a reboot. 请注意,以这种方式添加的交换空间在重新启动后不会保留。
Getting your swap space configuration right can make a big difference to the efficiency of your machine. 正确配置交换空间可以对计算机效率产生巨大的影响。
A large swap space is also advisable for a system with very small memory. 建议为内存极小的系统使用较大的交换空间。
The amount of swap space that you configure on your machine is largely dependent on the application and operating system. 您在计算机上配置的交换空间量主要取决于应用程序和操作系统。
All UNIX systems usually have one allocation of primary swap space. 所有UNIX系统通常都有一个主交换空间分配。
You should configure a dedicated partition for swap space as soon as possible. 您应该尽快为交换空间配置专用分区。
Swap space in a file rather than a dedicated swap partition is another example. 文件中的交换空间(不是专用交换空间)是另一个示例。
Others use swap space for all inactive applications and unused pages. 其他变体则对所有非活动的应用程序和未使用的页面使用交换空间。
2006 selected CCTV "swap space" Hangzhou station designer; 2006年入选CCTV《交换空间》杭州站设计师;